Thought Dreams : Hazel's Fanlisting Collective

Fanlistings I Own

Showing all current fanlistings...

Legalese (Abbie Carmichael (Law & Order) fanlisting) Abbie Carmichael (Law & Order)
Opened: February 24, 2003
Member count: 135
ADA Abbie Carmichael never backs down and always speaks her mind. She is my favourite ADA of all there have been on Law & Order.

Vibrant (Bright Colours fanlisting) Bright Colours
Opened: May 11, 2003
Member count: 573
I have always loved bright colours. They bring things to life! I admit there are times when it's best not to use them, but I sure love to use them whenever I can.

Click! (Cameras fanlisting) Cameras
Opened: November 08, 2003
Member count: 489
I got my first camera when I was 6, which was when I fell in love with photography. I carry a camera around with me everywhere, just in case I come across a good photo opportunity.

Versatile (Eggs fanlisting) Eggs
Opened: September 29, 2003
Member count: 430
Eggs are fantastic. They are just so versatile. You can have them on their own, with other foods, to make other foods...

Extraordinary Machine (Fiona Apple fanlisting) Fiona Apple
Extraordinary Machine
Opened: March 26, 2016
Member count: 242
I've been listening to Fiona Apple's music for over 15 years now. Her lyrics, voice and honesty are unique.

Comfort (Jeans fanlisting) Jeans
Opened: April 19, 2017
Member count: 29
I wear jeans most of the time. They're comfortable and go with almost anything!

Panoramic (Landscape Photography fanlisting) Landscape Photography
Opened: September 20, 2004
Member count: 262
Landscapes are my favourite area of photography. Taking landscape photos gets me out and about and enables me to escape for a bit.

The Fanlisting (Law & Order: Special Victims Unit fanlisting) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
The Fanlisting
Opened: April 30, 2007
Member count: 378
There is nothing on TV that has had (and continues to have) as much impact on me as this show. It is simply amazing in so many ways.

The Fanlisting (Nestle Smarties fanlisting) Nestle Smarties
The Fanlisting
Opened: May 26, 2003
Member count: 431
These were my favourite sweets as a child and I still think they taste great.

Open All Hours (Online Shopping fanlisting) Online Shopping
Open All Hours
Opened: July 09, 2005
Member count: 259
I much prefer shopping online to traditional shopping. It's just so quick and easy and involves none of the queuing!

Lapse Of Reason (Pink Floyd fanlisting) Pink Floyd
Lapse Of Reason
Opened: October 13, 2005
Member count: 404
I love Pink Floyd's lyrics, their exploration of concepts through music and their musical talent.

Distinctive (Plough/Big Dipper fanlisting) Plough/Big Dipper
Opened: August 01, 2004
Member count: 78
This is my favourite star constellation. It has always been the most distinctive in the sky to me and the greatest thing about it is that it can be seen all year round.

Exploring the Mind (Psychology fanlisting) Psychology
Exploring the Mind
Opened: January 13, 2008
Member count: 470
Psychology is a subject I have been interested in for many years and which I've also formally studied. I find it endlessly interesting and relevant in everyday life.

Brotherhood (Rain Man fanlisting) Rain Man
Opened: August 04, 2004
Member count: 150
An unforgettable film about a greedy, self-centred man's discovery of his older brother with Autism and how it changes who he is.

Enigma (Sara Sidle (CSI) fanlisting) Sara Sidle (CSI)
Opened: January 09, 2007
Member count: 159
Sara is my favourite character on CSI. She's intelligent, driven and devoted to what she does. I like her humour, her moral sense and her dedication.

Just Casual (T-Shirts fanlisting) T-Shirts
Just Casual
Opened: May 27, 2003
Member count: 648
I wear t-shirts the majority of the time. They are so comfortable and I love them.

Journey (The Animals Of Farthing Wood fanlisting) The Animals Of Farthing Wood
Opened: July 02, 2005
Member count: 435
This is the story of a group of animals who embark on a journey to find a new home, after their home (Farthing Wood) is destroyed by humans. I adored this story as a child.

Comfy (Trainers/Sneakers fanlisting) Trainers/Sneakers
Opened: May 26, 2003
Member count: 397
I love trainers and wear them most of the time. They are really comfortable and very practical.

Bright Eyes (Watership Down fanlisting) Watership Down
Bright Eyes
Opened: July 07, 2005
Member count: 377
A story told through the eyes of rabbits. It tells of the perils a group face on a journey to Watership Down and of the problems they have once they arrive.

Just Relax... (Weekends fanlisting) Weekends
Just Relax...
Opened: August 03, 2004
Member count: 757
Weekends give you time to yourself and a well-needed break. What's not to like?! I always look forward to them.

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